• Classwork

    The Unluckiest Week

    My main contribution this week was this. This project kind of felt like nothing was going right, and I got frustrated because I knew how to make it better, I just didn’t have time, and I won’t have more time to make it better until after finals are over. It was definitely the hardest project I’ve ever done, with the shortest turnaround time per minute of final product. I may attempt the project again this summer, either re-editing to hide my jump cuts better or actually starting over from filming. Maybe get some other actors, because the fact it’s all me makes it hard to follow at some points.

  • Classwork

    Summary and Final Specially Safara

    First things first: My final version of my video project. The one I’ve been working on for two weeks. Here it is. That was the big thing. I explained it and updated on my progress here. Also comments here, here, here, and here. And my daily creates are below. That is all! Ciao!

  • Classwork

    Week Whatever This Is Summary

    I have 15 thousand things to do and about 0 time to do them all so… Radio Listen on Conspiracy Theories And the daily creates were made into a story. Revisited Gandalf and Pippin and combined two others. Had some project ideas and reflected on the kinds of stories I liked to tell.\ Commented here, here, here, and here. That’s all, folks!

  • Classwork

    Two-week summary

    This is technically a summary for two weeks since I did some work over break and I would like credit for it. Daily creates: Radio Show Progress Final Show: Death of the Painter Comments: No comments this week, but as people post their final shows I will try to comment on them. That’s all folks!

  • Classwork

    It’s Spring Break

    It’s spring break y’all, this is going to be a short summary. This week was a lot of meetings (I think two-thirds were unnecessary, but my team may disagree) so I don’t have much to link to. I talked about it here. I did the design project. I also did this assignment to get better with Audacity and this one to check the box for the group/ I commented here, here, here, and here. That’s all I got. Ciao!

  • Classwork

    But I have promises to keep

    I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off all week, and I’m going to keep going until very late tonight, so while I have a moment let me write the summary. Daily Creates: For my assignments, I designed a book cover, a charity poster, the cover of a dime-store noir novel, and this weird contradiction poster. I also did the design thoughts and design blitz. I commented here, here, here, here, here, and here. I think that’s everything. Now I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep. Ciao!

  • Classwork

    Speed summary

    Alright, I gotta make this quick because my internet is doing unkind things to me. First, I tried really hard to do my best with tuning into the radio, and I rearranged everything so I would be able to listen Monday night, but that happened to be the night of the fire drill in my building, and I ended up missing a few minutes, which sucks, I was really invested. Anyway, I did my best to keep up and do the post. I also did the daily creates: I did the audio reflection, and honestly Moon Graffiti about made me cry. My FSEM was about counterfactual history so it was…

  • Classwork

    Week 4 summary

    This week was exhausting, mostly because I’m not as comfortable taking pictures as I am writing, so I stressed about it more and had to do some things multiple times because I wasn’t happy with the results the first time. At least I had the Daily Creates that were more focused on getting something out there than worrying about what exactly the “something” was. I started the week with a reflection on my current photography skills. Safe to say, I didn’t know how much I didn’t know. Over the course of the week, I tried out some new styles and focused on all the things that make a good photo…
