
Speed summary

Alright, I gotta make this quick because my internet is doing unkind things to me. First, I tried really hard to do my best with tuning into the radio, and I rearranged everything so I would be able to listen Monday night, but that happened to be the night of the fire drill in my building, and I ended up missing a few minutes, which sucks, I was really invested. Anyway, I did my best to keep up and do the post.

I also did the daily creates:

I did the audio reflection, and honestly Moon Graffiti about made me cry. My FSEM was about counterfactual history so it was right up my alley. That and the bleak tragedy of it, as you can see in my radio show ideas and music from another room assignment. I also did the fairly straightforward humming assignment, and the required radio bumper and story through sound effects assignments. I also did the similar movie scene through sound effects assignment, which I made way harder than it needed to be. I also commented here, here, here, and here. I know this was fairly brief and abrupt, but I need to get this in before my internet goes out again. Peace!

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