Stressed Out
The prompt
Struggling to get through everything.
Trying to finish it all by the deadline.
Everything is overwhelming.
Should I eat before everything is done?
Should I sleep before everything is done?
Everything is fine. I have to make them believe everything is fine.
Drowning, drowning, going down.
Oh right, my theater homework. I forgot. Put it on the list.
Undo that, it’s not good enough.
This will never be good enough.
Jenny Holbert
This is exactly how my brain works, too. I’m in your court! I have to remember to organize my week by deadlines then put one assignment in front of me, get that one done, and know there is plenty of time for everything. I have to keep plugging away at it like a mule. Don’t stop. Keep coming up for air and of course, get that sleep and get that brain food. Caffeine in the morning but not too late at night ‘cuz I have to respect my sleep or I’m worthless tomorrow. At the end of the week, it all will have been done. Just know that, and be patient with yourself. It works! (I’ve been around many, many moons: it works!)