We All See the Bars
The prompt
I’m not going to lie, I chose this prompt because it looked easy. Then I realized I would somehow have to take a “bad” photo on purpose. I’m not good at that. I ended up taking this with my hand on the chain link fence on Ball Circle as it was getting dark and the fog was rolling in. I ran out in between showers to take it. It’s definitely cliche and doesn’t serve much of a purpose existing. It’s too serious, you know? Very “I’m Fourteen And This Is Deep.”
So I kept with that cringey theme. I uploaded the photo to Canva (I may have screwed this part up. Canva didn’t have Helvetica so I was stuck with Helveticish) and added the text and retro filter. I tried to come up with something thirteen-year-old me would think was deep and clever, when really it’s a cringey, pointless thing to say. I also wanted to stick with the theme of the fence. This is what I ended up with.
Cringey? Yes. Edgy? Yes, in the way middle schoolers are. But it answered the prompt, and the rest is my world. I get to make the decisions.
Yeah, sometimes I think it’s harder to take a bad picture on purpose than to take a good one.