
We All See the Bars

The prompt

I’m not going to lie, I chose this prompt because it looked easy. Then I realized I would somehow have to take a “bad” photo on purpose. I’m not good at that. I ended up taking this with my hand on the chain link fence on Ball Circle as it was getting dark and the fog was rolling in. I ran out in between showers to take it. It’s definitely cliche and doesn’t serve much of a purpose existing. It’s too serious, you know? Very “I’m Fourteen And This Is Deep.”


So I kept with that cringey theme. I uploaded the photo to Canva (I may have screwed this part up. Canva didn’t have Helvetica so I was stuck with Helveticish) and added the text and retro filter. I tried to come up with something thirteen-year-old me would think was deep and clever, when really it’s a cringey, pointless thing to say. I also wanted to stick with the theme of the fence. This is what I ended up with.

We all see the bars, but do we know who is on the wrong side of the cage?

Cringey? Yes. Edgy? Yes, in the way middle schoolers are. But it answered the prompt, and the rest is my world. I get to make the decisions.


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