• Classwork

    Radio Bumper

    The prompt This is a fairly straightforward assignment, done out of necessity, so it has a fairly straightforward finished product. We need bumpers for our radio show, so I made one for when we come back from a commercial break. It’s pretty simple. I took some stock music I already had (I have a stash just for this kind of thing, ok?) that was about 15 seconds long. My voice recording wasn’t that long, but luckily there was a bit of a break in the music, so I cut it there and had it fade in quickly so it sounded more natural. I used Audacity. There’s really not much for…

  • Classwork

    Gandalf and Pippin

    The prompt Ok, this may seem random and like a waste, but I promise it’s not. Our radio show has more characters than we have actors, so I wanted to try my hand at editing voices so they sound like two different people before offering this up as something we could do. I think it worked out pretty well, although there is a little distortion and I would have to keep playing with it to get it perfect. The quote is from The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King by J. R. R. Tolkien. It’s the point where pretty much all hope is lost and Gandalf, the…

  • Classwork

    12%, With Only Sound Effects

    The prompt So, I chose a scene for this project that could not be more difficult to recreate. I love movies, so I was drawn to the prompt. My favorite scene in any movie ever is the “12% Scene” from the 2014 film Guardians of the Galaxy (if you’ve seen the movie you know which one I’m talking about). The issue is, it is five characters talking. There’s no action, there’s barely any movement. So how do I translate that to sound effects? The first step was to turn the voices into sound effects. I tried to match the rhythm of the voices with the percussive instruments I had. For…

  • Classwork

    Radio Bumper

    The prompt For the radio bumper, I wanted to keep it fun and lighthearted as well as keeping with the theme. I took two quotes from Bob Ross that both encapsulate him and us, and I used the noise reduction feature of Audacity to make him stand out more. I then added “It’s the Joy of Creating!” (like Joy of Painting, but more broad, since this class is more broad) at the beginning and a standard “You’re listening to DS106 radio!” at the end. (That felt like a step away from “you’re watching Disney Channel and I don’t know how I feel about that.) Underneath that I put some peppy…

  • Classwork

    Nonverbal Story

    The prompt Protagonist is being chased by bullies when they duck behind a dumpster. The bullies lose track of them and, after searching for a minute, continue running down the alley. Once they are gone, Protagonist leaves the dumpster and starts running the other way. I recorded these sound effects in my dorm on my computer. The footsteps is me slapping a pair of my shoes on the ground, getting closer or further from the microphone, although I don’t think it made much of a difference. The sounds of the dumpster is me throwing myself against a dresser with the pins for a loft bed in one of the drawers.…

  • Classwork


    The prompt Like I said in my last post, I have had this song in me head for MONTHS. I love it, but it gets old. Anyway, here’s my version of Gene Autry’s take on the song. It’s only one verse and one chorus since they’re the same music and it gets repetitive without the words. I’m humming into my computer’s microphone, so it’s not a complicated process to make. This song is in a weird place in my range, so I know it isn’t great, but I did what was requested of me.

  • Uncategorized

    Music From Another Room

    The prompt (This is a folk song written in the 1800s that was recorded in 1922 and is now public domain. However, since it is a song that already exists, Soundcloud may flag it anyway. If it gets taken down, leave a comment and I’ll try to embed the file or something. Just so we’re all on the same page.) The description: It’s been fifteen years since the virus began spreading. It’s been ten since the vaccines failed, and six since it mutated into a hyper-deadly, hyper-contagious variant that wiped out 97% of the population. You’re one of the last survivors on the planet. As you raid an abandoned house…

  • Classwork

    The Voices In My Head Won’t Be Quiet

    I figure I should cite the work in here that isn’t mine. The music came from AudioBlocks, a website for royalty-free music and sound effects, and the Bob Ross quotes came from a GoodReads list here: https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/102372.Bob_Ross The prayer is just the Hail Mary in Latin, and all of the sound except the music are me.
