
Week 4 summary

This week was exhausting, mostly because I’m not as comfortable taking pictures as I am writing, so I stressed about it more and had to do some things multiple times because I wasn’t happy with the results the first time. At least I had the Daily Creates that were more focused on getting something out there than worrying about what exactly the “something” was.

I started the week with a reflection on my current photography skills. Safe to say, I didn’t know how much I didn’t know. Over the course of the week, I tried out some new styles and focused on all the things that make a good photo good.

The Photoblitz was actually a lot of fun. I really enjoyed doing it and got some neat shots out of the prompts.

The stars were a lot of work. I started with an almost entirely different set of prompts that I switched out one by one because I realized I didn’t have a clue how I would answer them. “Larger Than Life” is the only one that stuck through. (It was also the easiest, I wonder if there’s a correlation?) I also did “That’s Not What I Expected,” “Apocalypse Training Camp,” “Switch Up The Mood,” and “Spot The Difference.” I felt a little limited because it was raining pretty hard while I was trying to do these so I was more or less confined to my dorm, but I made it work and did my best with what I had.

I would also like to say that my classmates are better than I am, and I commented here, here, here, here, here, and here. For now, I am exhausted and would like to go to sleep. Toodles!

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